For bitcoiners by bitcoiners

Fast and easy Bitcoin payments.

Instantly send friends and merchants Bitcoin. Non-custodial.

    Boom Payment Screen

    Bitcoin payments are Frustrating

    ➤ Bitcoin Layer 1 is slow and expensive.

    ➤ Lightning wallet tradeoffs are unneccesary.


    Your app for fast and easy Bitcoin payments.

    Created by the developers of Boom: the OG Stacks Web Wallet and NFT Platform.

    "I've been Stacking from the beginning, and Boom is the simplest crypto wallet that I've used." - sammiek6720 (Discord)

    "The Boom team are true Stacks OG's who understand the value of building good platforms for this ecosystem." - @muneeb


    "This will become an integral element of our online
    business tech stack." - @Electra_Frost

    Our beta release is coming soon. Don't miss it.

    Get started in four easy steps

    Coming Soon

    1) Download Boom

    Boom is built on global standards enabling it to work on Android and Apple devices.

    2) Add/Create your wallet

    Easily use your current account or create a new one. Your choice.

    3) Enter your friends name

    Boom utilizes the most popular Bitcoin naming system (BNS) to make sending payments a breeze.

    4) Click Send

    Done. Fast & easy.

    Finally. Bitcoin payments that work.


    Global Community


    In-App Chat

    Low Fees

    Bitcoin Focused

    Our beta release is coming soon. Don't miss it.

    © 2024 Boom Crypto, Inc. All rights reserved.